All TEDx event names should reflect the community they will engage (which is also the community that the organizer belongs to). There are a few different types of communities we license, each with different naming guidelines:
- Location-based events (an event for a city, town, street, square, etc.): These events should take the name of a city, town, or area within a city/town, where the organizer resides. These names are never thematic (like TEDxDesign or TEDxSustainability) nor are they regional (for example, we cannot license county, state, or province names and we do not license Combined Statistical Areas or geographical regions).
- School/University based events: These events should take the name of the school or university that the organizer is either enrolled in or employed by (only active students and staff are eligible to take out licenses named after a school or university). Often, some form of “School,” “University,” or “College” will be in the name.
- Please check with your school or university before you apply - you must receive permission to use the institute’s name and sometimes they have a specific version of the name they would like you to use.
- Organization-based events (an event for a company, hospital, or government department): These events should take the name of the organization that the organizer is employed by.
- Please check with your organization before you apply - you must receive permission to use the organization’s name and sometimes they have a specific version of the name they would like you to use. These events are held for an internal audience of staff members. The general public cannot attend these events.
For more information about how to select an event name, please visit our ‘Naming your event’ page.