To make changes to metadata like titles and descriptions, you'll have to delete and re-upload the talk. If you need to re-submit a video, you will have to delete the current version and upload the corrected version. If you are the organizer or someone with Media Uploader access, it is possible for you to delete the file on your end. Click "delete” next to the video you want off YouTube.
Please note that deleting the current version means you lose your current number of views, likes, comments, etc. Even though this means a whole new link will be created and you'll lose the views, comments, etc. from the current talk, we've put together a handy guide to help accumulate and rack up views.
If you are not the organizer and don’t have access to the Media Uploader, and if you are the speaker of the video you want deleted, please contact your TEDx event organizer to have the video deleted.